Korea Verband: Quitzowstraße 103, 10551 Berlin
(Google Maps)
18:00 - 20:00
Deadline: 19.07.2023
Logout final: 16.07.2023
Participation fee external participants: 5,00 Euro

Maximale Anzahl Personen: 15 (still 6 availability)

The Korea association invites us to an exclusive event with a historical and political perspective:

Comfort women or comfort girls were women and girls forced into sexual slavery in occupied countries and territories before and during World War II as a strategic tool of war.
Although many countries are guilty of these crimes, not all have acknowledged their actions and apologized for their offenses. Japan denies their involvement until today.
Thus, a statue representing these crimes standing in the middle of Germany’s capital is a thorn in the side for them.
Find out which position the Berlin and German government currently takes by visiting the museum, get facts about the ongoing debate, walk to the monument itself and round up with a political discussion.

Children are welcome and are free under the age of 10.

Photo Credit: https://trostfrauen.de/friedensstatue-berlin/

