Röstwerk Kaffeerösterei Berlin: Seelingstraße 32, 14059 Berlin
(Google Maps)
19:00 - 22:00

Learn about your neighbours: JCIBI & WJB Afterwork at the German Diversity Day

For those who like it short:

  • Bring your favorite dish
  • Enjoy a welcome drink on us
  • Chat to other Jaycees


The Diversity Charta (https://www.charta-der-vielfalt.de/en/) defines 7 dimensions of diversity. One of them is Ethnic origin and nationality.

A team's knowledge of languages and cultures enriches more than its horizons: It also allows you to tap into new markets and benefit from global competition. With supportive structures, you ensure that all employees in your organization feel comfortable and can achieve their full potential.

What we can do to benefit

  • Put together teams so they combine different cultures. In this way, you appeal to different target groups.
  • Actively search for specialists on the international market. If you already employ specialists from other cultures, involve them in the search.
  • Invest in setting up international or intercultural networks. In this way you keep informed and can learn from other organisations’ experiences.
  • Raise your employees’ awareness about cultural differences, as well as about what everyone has in common.


Let us try these approaches and come together between WJB (German speaking chapter of Berlin) and JCIBI (English speaking chapter of Berlin) in an enriching afterwork!

We will meet at the Cafe of our member Denis Friedrich. For the podluck style buffett, please bring a dish of your choice, preferably with a cultural touch.

The costs for the location and a welcome drink are covered by WJB and JCIBI! All other drinks are on self paid basis.


We are looking forward to this evening!

More information:
